WorkshopCARF Workshops
Mon, Dec 31, 2018
CARF Workshops
Contract Negotiation and the Coase Conjecture
- Date
- 2013/9/10(Tue)
- Speaker
- Bruno Strulovici(Northwestern University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Continuous Revision Games (joint with Akitada Kasahara)
- Date
- 2013/7/30(Tue)
- Speaker
- Ryota Iijima (Harvard University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
It is not just confusion! Strategic uncertainty in an experimental asset market
- Date
- 2013/7/23(Tue)
- Speaker
- Nobuyuki Hanaki (Aix-Marseille University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
The Folk Theorem in Repeated Games with Individual Learning (joint with Takuo Sugaya)
- Date
- 2013/7/16(Tue)
- Speaker
- Yuichi Yamamoto (University of Pennsylvania)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Behavioral Repeated Game Theory: Imperfect Private Monitoring (joint with Hitoshi Matsushima and Tomohisa Toyama)
- Date
- 2013/7/16(Tue)
- Speaker
- Tomomi Tanaka (World Bank)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
The Generalized Random Priority Mechanism with Budgets
- Date
- 2013/6/25(Tue)
- Speaker
- Tadashi Hashimoto (Stanford University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Impact of Financial Regulation and Innovation on Bubbles and Crashes due to Limited Arbitrage: Awareness Heterogeneity
- Date
- 2013/4/16(Tue)
- Speaker
- Hitoshi Matsushima (University of Tokyo)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Consumption-based Asset Pricing with Loss Aversion
- Date
- 2012/12/13(Thu)
- Speaker
- Marianne Andries (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsors:
The Norinchukin Bank
UTIPE Distinguished Research Seminar Series funded by Global 30
Rewarding Trading Skills Without Inducing Gambling (joint with Igor Makarov)
- Date
- 2010/4/7(Wed)
- Speaker
- Guillaume Plantin (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Bubble Cycles
- Date
- 2009/4/23(Thu)
- Speaker
- Masaya Sakuragawa (Keio University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Product Innovation, Stock Price, and Business Cycle
- Date
- 2008/7/3(Thu)
- Speaker
- Ryo Jinnai (Princeton University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
1.Discrete and Sticky Behavior From Shannon Information Constraints /
2.Information Constrained State Dependent Pricing /
3.Why are Prices Sticky?
- Date
- 2008/5/30(Fri)
- Speaker
- (1) Christopher Sims (Princeton University)
(2) Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
(3) Andrew Levin (Federal Reserve Board) - Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Money and Competing Assets under Private Information
- Date
- 2008/5/20(Tue)
- Speaker
- Guillaume Rocheteau
(Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and National University of Singapore) - Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Monetary Policy and Learning from the Central Bank's Forecast
- Date
- 2008/4/18(Fri)
- Speaker
- Ichiro Muto (Bank of Japan)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: A Generalization (joint with John H.Rogers)
- Date
- 2008/4/10(Thu)
- Speaker
- James M. Nason (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Spurious regressions in technical trading: momentum or contrarian?
- Date
- 2008/1/25(Fri)
- Speaker
- Mototsugu Shintani (Vanderbilt University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Applied Statistics Workshop
1. Everyone-a-banker or the Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence. (joint with Juergen Huber and Martin Shubik)
2. Three Minimal Strategic Market Games: Theory and Experimental Evidence. (joint with Juergen Huber and Martin Shubik)
- Date
- 2008/1/22(Tue)
- Speaker
- Shyam Sunder (Yale University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Welfare Gains from Financial Liberalization (joint with Robert M. Townsend)
- Date
- 2007/5/31(Thu)
- Speaker
- Kenichi Ueda (International Monetary Fund)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
An Efficient Dynamic Mechanism (joint with Susan Athey)
- Date
- 2007/5/17(thu)
- Speaker
- Ilya Segal (Stanford University, Economic Department)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Operational Hedging of Transaction Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk Arising from International Trade Contracts
- Date
- 2007/4/10(Tue)
- Speaker
- Imad Moosa (Monash University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Learning about Perceived Inflation Target and Stabilisation Policy
- Date
- 2006/11/16(Thu)
- Speaker
- Takeshi Kimura (Bank of Japan)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Big Business Owners and Politics: Investigating Financial Payoffs from Holding Top Office.
- Date
- 2006/10/31(Tue)
- Speaker
- Yupana Wiwattanakantang (Hitotsubashi University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
A Neoclassical Analysis of The Korean Crisis
- Date
- 2006/10/19(Thu)
- Speaker
- Keisuke Otsu (Bank of Japan)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Menu Costs and Markov Inflation: A Theoretical Revision with New Evidence (joint with Christian Ahlin)
- Date
- 2006/7/20(Thu)
- Speaker
- Mototsugu Shintani (Vanderbilt University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Rent Seeking and Corporate Finance: Evidence from Corruption (joint with Oliver Meng Rui, and Mengxin Zhao)
- Date
- 2006/7/14(Fri)
- Speaker
- Joseph Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Efficient Risk-Sharing Rules
- Date
- 2006/7/11(Tue)
- Speaker
- Chiaki Hara (Kyoto University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
A Dynamic Theory of Optimal Capital Structure and Exective Compensation (joint with Andrew Atkeson)
- Date
- 2006/5/25(Thu)
- Speaker
- Harold Cole (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Auctions with Package Bidding: An Experimental Study
- Date
- 2006/5/23(Tue)
- Speaker
- Eiichiro Kazumori (University of Tokyo)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Identifying Nominal and Real Rigidities in Aggregate Price-setting Behavior (joint with G. Coenen and K. Christoffel)
- Date
- 2006/5/17(Wed)
- Speaker
- Andrew Levin (The Federal Reserve Board)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
A Continuous-Time Analysis of Dynamic Debt Contracts: Theory and Applications
- Date
- 2006/5/16(Tue)
- Speaker
- Hisashi Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Monetary Policy in a Life-Cycle Economy: Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy Rule (joint with Yuki Teranishi)
- Date
- 2006/4/20(Thu)
- Speaker
- Ippei Fujiwara (Bank of Japan)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
How Much do Trade and Financial Linkages Affect Business Cycle Synchronization for Small Open Economies? (joint with Juan M. Ruiz)
- Date
- 2006/4/13(Thu)
- Speaker
- Alicia Garcia Herrero (Bank of Spain)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Robust Implementation: The Case of Direct Mechanisms
- Date
- 2006/3/15(Wed)
- Speaker
- Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Information in Mechanism Design
- Date
- 2006/3/14(Tue)
- Speaker
- Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Fiscal Divergence and Business Cycle Synchronization: Irresponsibility is Idiosyncratic (joint with Zsolt Darvas and Gyorgy Szapary)
- Date
- 2005/12/15(Thu)
- Speaker
- Andrew K. Rose (Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Global Capital Flows and National Policy Choices (joint with Irina Tytell)
- Date
- 2005/12/7(Wed)
- Speaker
- Shang-Jin Wei (International Monetary Fund)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Critical Evaluation of Hayashi-Prescott Hypothesis on Japan's Lost Decade
- Date
- 2005/11/21(Mon)
- Speaker
- Hiroyuki Ono (Toyo University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
A Portfolio Theory of International Capital Flows (joint with Mick Devereux)
- Date
- 2005/11/10(Thu)
- Speaker
- Makoto Saito (Hitotsubashi University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Renegotiation and Relational Contracting
- Date
- 2005/10/25(Tue)
- Speaker
- Ricard Gil (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Sequential Costly State Verifications under Two-State Markov Chain Shocks
- Date
- 2005/10/13(Thu)
- Speaker
- Hisashi Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
The Zero Bound and the Term Structure of Interest Rates in a Nonlinear Macroeconomic Model
- Date
- 2005/9/26(Mon)
- Speaker
- Alexander Wolman (Richmond Federal Reserve Bank)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Asset Prices and Liquidity in an Exchange Economy
- Date
- 2005/7/14(Thu)
- Speaker
- Ricardo Lagos (New York University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Search Theory in Monetary Economics II
- Date
- 2005/7/12(Tue)
- Speaker
- Ricardo Lagos (New York University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Search Theory in Monetary Economics I
- Date
- 2005/7/11(Mon)
- Speaker
- Ricardo Lagos (New York University)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop
Adjusting to Capital Liberalization (joint with K. Aoki and G. Benigno, LSE)
- Date
- 2005/7/7(Thu)
- Speaker
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (LSE)
- Remarks
- Co-Sponsor: Microworkshop