
Conference / SymposiumCEPR (CEPR Rising Asia Workshop)

Fri, Jul 29, 2022

The 2nd CEPR Rising Asia Workshop


Friday July 29 9:00-17:00
Starting at  9:00 JST / 2:00 EU CET / 20:00 US EST, previous day
Tokyo, Japan


Seminar Room 3, 2nd floor of Economics of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall)
(Online and Onsite Hybrid Meeting)


The Center for Advanced Research in Finance (CARF)
The Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI)


Kees Koedijk (Utrecht University and CEPR)
Kenichi Ueda (University of Tokyo and CEPR)


The 2nd CEPR Rising Asia Workshop Program


Event Registration Form (External site)/

For general applications, online only.

Slides and Videos

Umang Rawat (IMF), Apoorv Bhargava (IMF), Romain Bouis (IMF), Annamaria Kokenyne (IMF), Manuel Perez Archila (Princeton), and Ratna Sahay (IMF) “Do Capital Controls Limit Inflow Surges?”

Discussant: Ryo Kato (Asia University)

■Video (YouTube)


Yasumasa Morito (U Wisconsin) and Kenichi Ueda (U Tokyo) “Bilateral Lucas Paradox”

Discussant: Hibiki Ichiue (Keio University)

■Video (YouTube)


Takashi Onoda (JBIC) and Nicolas End (JBIC) “Should governments encourage capital flows?”

Discussant: Xiang Gao (Shanghai Business School)

■Video (YouTube)


Yi Huang (Fudan University, CEPR), Ugo Panizza (Geneva
Graduate Institute, CEPR), and Richard Portes (London
Business School, CEPR, NBER)
“Corporate foreign bond issuance and interfirm loans in China”

Discussant: Tamon Asonuma (IMF)

■Video (YouTube)


Yun Gao (IMF, U Tokyo) and Jochen M. Schmittmann (IMF) “Green Bond Pricing, Greenwashing, and Carbon Taxation under Asymmetric Information”

Discussant: Darwin Choi (CUHK)

■Video (YouTube)


Young Dae Kang (Bank of Korea), Yunsung Eom (Hansung University), Wook Sohn (KDI School of Public Policy and Management) “Is the Korean Green Premium in Equilibrium?”

Discussant: Jiro Yoshida (Penn State University)

■Video (YouTube)


Tse-Chun Lin (University of Hong Kong), Yiyuan Zhou (HKU) and Hong Zou (HKU) “The Unintended Externalities of an Environmental Regulation: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program”

Discussant: Michinao Okachi (U Tokyo)

■Video (YouTube)


Concluding Remarks
Beatrice Weder di Mauro, President CEPR

■Video (YouTube)