
Conference / SymposiumOther Conferences

Fri, Mar 10, 2023

International Women’s Day Faculty Development Seminar
“Career Development Support for Women in Academia: Experiences in the U.S. and Europe”

Event Report (UTokyo Gender Equity Initiative #WeChange)

※ This event is open only to University of Tokyo students, faculty and staff.


Center for Advanced Research in Finance (CARF)
Office for Gender Equality, The University of Tokyo

This seminar discusses how to improve our work environments so that more female students choose research careers and achieve their full potential. The seminar caters primarily to researchers, staff, and graduate students at the University of Tokyo. It will start with the opening remarks by Dean Hoshi of the Graduate School of Economics, followed by remarks and perspectives by Hon. Mori, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, Member of the House of Councillors. Then, Professor Brinton of Harvard University and Professor Adams of Oxford University will speak about various efforts, including their own, to have created better environments and opportunities for female researchers in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. Professor Brinton is also a leading specialist on Japanese society with a deep understanding of the current issues. Professor Adams is a leading expert on women in corporate management and is expected to discuss it if asked so. Executive Vice President Hayashi, the University of Tokyo, will conclude the seminar.

Date and Time

March 10, 2023 (Friday) 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM


FUKUTAKE Learning Theater, B2F of Fukutake Hall


10:00 AM

Takeo Hoshi, Dean of the Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo

10:05 AM

Invited Speech (in Japanese)
Masako Mori, Member of the House of Councillors, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister in Charge of Women’s Empowerment

10:15 AM

Keynote Speech I
Mary C. Brinton, Director of Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Reischauer Institute Professor of Sociology, Harvard University

10:40 AM

Keynote Speech II
Renée Adams, Professor of Finance, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

11:05 AMQ&A Session (moderated by Takeo Hoshi)
11:20 AMDiscussion Summary & Closing Remark
Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President (Diversity and Global Affairs), the University of Tokyo

11:30 AM



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