Conference / Symposium
Fri, Jun 7, 2024 - Sat, Jun 8, 2024
【Academic Conference】Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Debt (IMF-CARF-TCER-WASEDA UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE)
Friday, June 7, 2024 – Saturday, June 8, 2024
Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) 2F, Conference Room (will be held Hybrid)
*Updated on 5/27. Webinar Live Streaming will be available too.
How to Participate and Register
*This conference is an “Academic Conference”. The conference is mainly open to researcher on a first-come, first-served basis.
(For [Policy Panel], which is more open to the general public, please kindly see the following page.)
*Please register your name and e-mail address, and you will receive a URL to join the Webinar on the day of the event.
Kindly keep the e-mail you receive until the day of the event.
- The above is registration for 【Academic Conference】.
For participants who would also like to attend the Webinar Live Streaming for 【Policy Panel】, a separate registration will be required.
Friday, June 7
9:00 am – 09:20 am Opening remarks: Kenji Okamura (Deputy Managing Director, IMF)
09:20 am – 10:40 am Session 1: Demand for Sovereign Debt
Moderator: | Era Dabla-Norris (Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF) “Who holds sovereign debt and why it matters?” Discussant: Eric Leeper (University of Virginia) “Convenience yields and financial repression” Discussant: Francesco Bianchi (Johns Hopkins University) |
10:40 am – 11:10 am | Coffee break |
11:10 am – 12:30 pm Session 2: Optimal Fiscal Policy
Moderator: | Keiichiro Kobayashi (Keio University) “Can deficits finance themselves?” Discussant: Huixin Bi (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City) “Robust bounds on optimal tax progressivity” Discussant: Tomoyuki Nakajima (University of Tokyo) |
12:30 pm – 02:00 pm | Lunch |
02:00 pm – 03:20 pm Session 3: Pricing Sovereign Debt
| Kenichi Ueda (University of Tokyo) “Sovereign debt, default risk, and the liquidity of government bonds” Discussant: Francisco Roch (IMF) “The puzzling behavior of spreads during Covid” Discussant: Taisuke Nakata (University of Tokyo) |
03:20 pm – 03:50 pm | Coffee break |
03:50 pm – 05:00 pm Policy Panel
*Please kindly check the bellow link for 「03:50 pm – 05:00 pm Policy Panel」
Saturday, June 8
09:10 am – 10:30 am Session 4: Sovereign Debt and Interest Rate Shocks
Moderator: | Kosuke Aoki (University of Tokyo) “Default and interest rate shocks: renegotiation matters” Discussant: Jing Zhang (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) “Interest rate shocks and the composition of sovereign debt” Discussant: Kozo Ueda (Waseda University) |
10:30 am – 11:00 am | Coffee break |
11:00 am – 12:20 pm Session 5: Fiscal Policy in Japan
Moderator: | Sagiri Kitao (GRIPS) “Comparison of Various Fiscal Policies in the Face of Different Demographic Stages” Discussant: Jacopo Cimadomo (European Central Bank) “What about Japan?” Discussant: Makoto Saito (Nagoya University)
12:20 pm – 12:30 pm | Concluding remarks: Kenichi Ueda (Director, CARF, University of Tokyo, and Representative Director, TCER) |
12:45 pm – 05:00 pm | Lunch/Social program |
Conference organizers: Era Dabla-Norris, Carlos Goncalves, Alexandra Solovyeva, and Kenichi Ueda (CARF, University of Tokyo).